SP Employee Self-Service Portal (ESS) is an operational SharePoint employee self-service portal that is part of a Digital Workplace. It is designed especially for employees as a central point to operationally access cross-functional resources, help, and processes in a consistent way to do their jobs.
SP ESS Portal is the operational equivalent of the Intranet but specifically targeted at operational needs rather than news and information. It provides a consistent way to access documents, get help through a central help desk, and access frequently used business processes like submitting time off, travel requests or filling out an expense report. Deploy in SharePoint Classic or Modern user experience. |
How Will SP ESS Transform Your Business?
Empower Employees with Self-ServiceSP ESS Portal provides employees with a consistent and easy way to access resources, services, and processes without having to deal with each individual department. SP ESS Portal features three major components:
1. Document Central 2. Help Central 3. Process Central No longer is it necessary to search endlessly for policies, call or email the IT department for help only to receive a delayed response or no response at all, or sign in to several applications. |
Deliver Services in a Consistent WaySP ESS Portal provides an operational portal to deliver services to employees from other departments in a consistent way. Services provided by HR, IT, Facilities, and other departments each has its own way of receiving and tracking service requests, whether it's a separate help desk, phone, or email. This can be frustrating for employees, and can drain resources and productivity from departments.
Help Central, an integral feature of SP ESS Portal, provides a consistent way to request service, route it to the right place, and track it at the department level so there is no more confusion or chaos. |
Organize Documents and ProcessesSearching for the latest documents or forms to accomplish the simplest of tasks can be frustrating and confusing. Most important, it's a waste of time for employees and department staff.
SP ESS Portal, a SharePoint employee self-service application, acts as a digital filing cabinet for key business documents complete with search functionality. Employees can search Document Central or browse for policies, forms, and procedures. Departments can develop policies in its own portal and publish those documents directly to Document Central. Electronic forms are found in the Form Catalog where an employee can download them, fill it out, and digitally submit the form to Process Central for approval using standard processes. Managers approve forms centrally as well. |
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Take a deeper look into SP ESS Portal
Part of an Operational Portal Structure
Central Hub for Documents
Help Central
Central Hub for Processes
Additional Services
Native on Office 365 and SharePoint